Sustainability Commitment

At Orkla House Care, we apply internationally agreed principles to define sustainable development: human rights (incl. labor rights), environmental (incl. climate), and economic (incl. anti-corruption) sustainability.

We operationalize these principles
through the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct (OECD).

We do this by:

Policy Commitment Document

Sustainability Policy Commitment

With this Policy Commitment, Orkla House Care commits to respect human rights, environmental, and economic sustainability, taking part in the global transition towards sustainable development.

Impact Assesments

Due Diligence

This report consists of 54 impact assessments against all 48 human rights and constitutes a 100% complete human rights impact assessment for Orkla House Care AS.

Orkla House Care AS has identified a total of 24 impacts on 18 human rights whereof none are considered severe. Of the identified impacts, we have 24 potential and no actual impacts.

See risk overview

Read our Human Rights impact assesment

This report consists of 20 impact assessments against all 20 environmental areas and constitutes a 100% complete environmental impact assessment for Orkla House Care AS.

Orkla House Care AS has identified a total of 8 impacts on 8 environmental areas. Of the identified impacts, we have 8 potential and no actual impacts.

We found that we have no risk of impacts on 12 of the 20 environmental areas.

See our risk overview

Read our Environmental impact assesment

This report consists of 16 impact assessments against all 16 economic areas and constitutes a 100% complete economic impact assessment for Orkla House Care AS.

Orkla House Care AS has identified a total of 5 impacts on 5 economic areas. Of the identified impacts, we have 5 potential and no actual impacts.

We found that we have no risk of impacts on 11 of the 20 economic areas.

See risk overview

Read our Economic impact assesment

Orkla House Care conducted our first full impact assessment, aligned with the UNGP/OECD, during end of 2023.

We found we have potential negative impacts on 18 out of 48 human rights, 8 out of 20 environmental, and 5 out of 16 economic areas.

Below you can review our impact assessments for Orkla House Care AS, which serves as our documentation for due diligence.

Grievance Mechanism

TELL US & help us do better

We want to encourage relevant stakeholders to access our impact assessments, to submit grievances or knowledge hereof, and to suggest improvements on our actions to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts, or of the grievance mechanism itself.

All communication through this channel will be designed for dialogue and will be handled by Orkla House Care.

Whistleblower System

Where actual adverse impacts are severe and amount to a suspicion of a violation of law, and/or anonymity is requested, Orkla House Care has established a whistleblower system to receive complaints.

Whereas we will always prefer to establish a dialogue around grievances as early possible, and provide for access to remedy before an impact becomes severe, we will provide access to anonymous notifications through our Whistleblower system.

When do I use the Grievance mechanism and the Whistleblower system?

The grievance mechanism is a formalized process within Orkla House Care for receiving and resolving complaints from employees, customers, or other stakeholders, focusing on fair outcomes through dialogue or mediation.

The whistleblower system is a confidential channel for reporting unethical or illegal activities within Orkla House Care, providing protection for the whistleblower against retaliation.

In essence, our grievance mechanism addresses personal or collective workplace disputes or concerns, while the whistleblower system is designed for reporting serious misconduct that could have legal or ethical implications for the organization.